Uploading artwork and media for full color ticket stock

Uploading the artwork and media for full-color ticket stock is straightforward.

  • Go to your My Events page
  • Select Ticket Stock for the event you want to view tickets for.
Ticket Stock gif.gif


  • A ticket management pop-up will appear where you can then select Order Color Tickets


You will arrive at a page allowing you to upload the artwork and media required for your event tickets.

Uploading Artwork 

At the bottom section of the screen, there is an option to upload artwork from your computer. 

uploading artwork for tickets gif.gif

  • Create your design, save it to your computer, and select the artwork or design you wish to use
  • Click upload
  • Once the design appears on the ticket at the center of the screen, you should center it to feature the design and words you want shown within the blue lines. Anything outside the blue lines is considered bleed and might be cut off.

Those who wish to seek assistance with creating artwork or a design can contact design services at 1-800-316-8559 or email support@purplepass.com.

  • Check the box in the yellow field approving the artwork to complete the task.