Processing a ticket refund

If you would like to process a ticket refund, follow these steps.

If a ticket is refunded, it signifies that the customer originally paid for it. In this case, the ticket is voided, the associated seat is released, and the customer receives their money back.

  • Log in to your Purplepass event organizer dashboard
  • At the top of the dashboard in the navigation bar, select Search Orders
  • Use the filters to the right of the main screen to locate the order you want to refund


  • In the Order Actions column, click the blue refund link

process a refund on search order tool.jpeg

  • A pop-up box will appear and give you the option to choose the number of tickets you want to refund

Processing a Refund

If Purplepass is issuing a refund for an event, the money will usually take 7-10 days to process even though the refund is initiated within 48 hours.