Creating custom questions for checkout

Custom checkout questions are used for collecting more data at checkout; files, documents, surveys, polls, ratings, etc. To add custom questions to your checkout, follow these instructions and tips.

Creating Custom Questions

  • Log in to your Purplepass event organizer dashboard
  • In the dashboard, click Create New Event or, choose to edit an existing event
  • Log in to your Purplepass event organizer dashboard
  • Select Create New Event in the top navigation bar or edit an existing one
  • Scroll down to the Additional Options 
  • Select the box titled Add questions to ask during check out
  • Click the plus icon Add check out question
add custom quest at checkout gif.gif
  • A pop-up window will open titled Create a Custom Question
  • Select the area where you want to ask the questions by clicking the first drop-down menu titled Where should the question be stated?
  • Type your question in the Question to ask box
  • Below the Question to ask box, click the appropriate selection for when to ask the question
  • Select the Question type by using the drop-down menu (text, multiple lines, dropdown, checkbox, date, or info)


  • In the Show this question for specific ticket type select the appropriate response


  • Click the Save Question button at the bottom of the screen

Understanding the Different Question Types

dropdown custom questions.jpeg

  • Text option allows you to enter a single text question. 
  • Multiple-line text option allows you to type several questions or a complex question with more than one sentence.
  • Drop-down style question, a checkbox can be used with a single answer, and a multiple-answer checkbox option (for multiple answer options or choices).
  • Date-type questions can be used for a particular date relevant to the event as well as other information, which creates pop-up text relevant to the ticket sale.
  • File upload can be used to request customers to upload proof of vaccination, proof of a negative test, or any other type of information or identification that you request at checkout.
  • Predefined with customer additions question type gives you the ability to create a predefined list of options for customers to choose from, while also allowing customers to add their own additions during the checkout process.

Verifying My Event's Checkout Questions (View as a Customer)

To verify that the event’s custom checkout questions are working, complete the following steps:

  • Log in to your Purplepass event organizer dashboard
  • Select the My Events tab located at the top
  • Locate the event you want to view as a customer

  • Click on the event’s name to trigger a preview of that event

  • Add tickets to the cart to view the checkout process


  • You will be able to review the custom checkout process and verify that your custom questions are working