How to use ID numbers as promo codes to assign tickets for certain people

If you want to provide tickets to a certain group of people using ID numbers, follow these steps:

First, create a promo code list.

  • Log in to your Purplepass event organizer dashboard
  • In the dashboard, click Create New Event or, choose to edit an existing event
  • When creating your event, scroll down the page until you reach the Ticket Pricing and Options section

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  • At the bottom of that section, select the Add coupon code button located on the left side of the screen with the green + icon

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  • A pop-up window will appear
  • At the top of the page under the first options is a checkbox labeled List of codes (Uploaded or automatically generated)


  • Check that box
  • Underneath, a blue link will appear that says Manage lists

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  • Click the link and the pop-up window Manage Coupons Lists will appear
  • Next, click the purple Upload or Generate List of Codes
  • Enter the list name in the first box

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Option #1

Choose to upload a list of codes from a file by checking the box titled "Upload a list of codes from a .txt / .csv file (One code per line)". Once the codes are uploaded, select the purple Create List button at the bottom of the window.

Option #2

You can auto-generate a code for single-use coupon vouchers by clicking the Auto generate code for me and then clicking the purple Create List button at the bottom of the window. Another pop-up box will open, labeled Create Coupon Code List.

The list of codes you upload should be the identification numbers that are going to be used as a promo code. 

Once you save the codes, they will be valid for the specified number of tickets you set in association with each identification number. You can either set a certain number of tickets to be free, or they can be discounted from the regular price.