Show the total number of tickets available for sale

If you would like to show customers the total number of tickets left for purchase for an event, you can easily accomplish this task from your Purplepass event organizer dashboard.

  • Log in to your Purplepass event organizer dashboard
  • In the dashboard, click Create New Event or, choose to edit an existing event
  • A pop-up carousel with three different options will appear. Select the appropriate event option
  • Once you are on the event creation screen, enter the relevant information until you see the Ticket Pricing And Options section
  • When you start building your ticket type, select the Options button to the right
Options - creating tickets.gif
  • Click the button and a pop-up window labeled Advanced Options will appear
  • Towards the bottom of the page, there is a checkbox labeled Show tickets remaining

show tickets remaining gif.gif


  • Click the box, to see how many tickets remain for sale at that time. Click the purple Update Options button to save your changes.