Hide items from the customers' view when not on sale

You can automatically hide an item from the customer's view if they are not on sale. This is a great feature for doing things like limited-time specials (e.g., Valentine's Day-only promo), or auto show/hiding pricing tiers on an event.

You can select this feature when creating or editing a ticket type.

  • Log in to your Purplepass event organizer dashboard
  • In the dashboard, click Create New Event or, choose to edit an existing event
  • A pop-up carousel with three different options will appear. Select the appropriate event option
  • Once you are on the event creation screen, enter the relevant information until you see the Ticket Pricing And Options section
  • When you start building your ticket type, select the Options button to the right
  • Click the button and a pop-up window labeled Advanced Options will appear
  • A pop-up screen labeled Advanced Options will appear
  • You will see the Status section

hide this item before custom sale time starts gif.gif

  • Check Hide this item before custom sale time starts or after it ends


  • Click the Update Options button to save the changes and resume creating your event