You might require comprehensive insights into how pass/package payments are depicted in financial reports, particularly concerning weighted distribution. This information is crucial for understanding event payouts, fund allocation, and licensing fee calculations.
Understand Pass/Package Payment Weight in Reports
Default Weighted Distribution
The revenue from each pass is divided among its events based on a weighted distribution. For instance, consider a $100 pass with four items:
- Event A - GA ($40)
- Event B - GA ($40)
- Event C - GA ($40)
- Event D - GA ($80)
The default option is to distribute revenue based on face value. If the sum of tickets is $200, each = ticket's percentage contribution is calculated. For example, the $40 ticket for Event A represents 20% of the total pass value. Thus, $20 is allocated to Event A, $20 to Event B, and so forth.
Revenue Distribution Options
Even Distribution: Pass revenue is evenly distributed across events. In the aforementioned scenario, each event would receive $25.
Fixed % Allocation: Clients have the flexibility to specify custom percentage distributions according to their preferences.
Fixed Amount Allocation: Clients can manually allocate exact monetary amounts to each event, ensuring precise fund distribution.
Front Weighting Considerations: Front-weighting a pass entirely on the first event may lead to inaccurate reporting and financial discrepancies. For instance, if Event C is canceled, customers refunded based on the allocated amount may receive insufficient refunds. Thus, weighted face value distribution is recommended to ensure accurate reporting and efficient pass management.
By comprehensively understanding these concepts, organizers can optimize their financial reporting processes, ensure proper fund allocation across events, and effectively manage their pass/package offerings.