Setting Up Your mPOS iPad Terminal - Quick Start Guide

Our mPOS iPad Terminal, powered by the Purplepass Pro iOS app, combines ticket scanning on iPhones and box office POS sales on iPads. It supports both standard and advanced selling modes, distinct from our online box office platform. You can use the Purplepass Pro app on personal iPhones and iPads. 

Getting Started

To access the box office, follow this link. 


Please remember to save all packaging materials:

  • Scanner boxes: $10/box replacement
  • iPad POS boxes: $15/box replacement

Equipment must be returned in the same way it was received with all boxes and materials. You will be responsible for any damaged equipment due to inappropriate packaging or missing packaging.

Step #1 - Connect Devices

  • Unpackage all devices
  • Connect devices to the USB ports on your computer
  • Follow the instructions provided for printer setup (if applicable)
  • To set up your wireless scanners, follow these steps

If you are on a Mac, you might be asked to configure the scanner as a keyboard. Please complete the steps in this alert and then wait until the scanner is activated.

Logging Into Multiple Devices

You can use the same Purplepass ID and password to log in on multiple scanners and iPads simultaneously. You can log in to as many devices as you want with the same login information without causing any problems.

Device Settings

Admission Options

  • Start with Admission Options under Settings


You can control what options are presented to customers when they complete a sale. The default is Admit, which records tickets as admitted into the event when the Admit button is clicked. For example, if you sold two tickets and select Admit, the reporting and stats will show that you sold two tickets and two people are inside the event.

  • Ticket printing: An option that allows you to print a ticket when enabled via the iPad. However, you need to select Enable Printing Features. And those tickets will need to be scanned by a scanner to show admittance.

Scanning Options

There are three methods available for scanning tickets. In addition to the Pro wireless scanners, users can also scan tickets using:

  • A USB barcode scanner attached to a computer using the BO Scan Tickets tab.
  • The iOS/Android apps on their own devices, utilizing the built-in camera for scanning tickets.
  • Ticket Issuing: Used when preprinted tickets are purchased. The sale is completed, and customers are issued preprinted tickets instead of printing them.

You are not printing the ticket or admitting them.

  • The Enable Scan In feature associates preprinted tickets with specific orders using a barcode scanner and links them to an account. That way, later on, if you scan the ticket, you can check who used it.


With these three options, you usually do not have more than one selected. Either admitting, printing, or issuing, because you’re usually doing one at a time.

Credit Card Sales

Enable Infinite Peripheral Gear: This should be always turned on as it turns on the scanners
and the TabM card readers. To use that and complete CC sales, you have to enable that.

Sell Settings (For iPads - Default Settings)

Enable Coupon Codes: If you want to enter coupon codes at checkout and have the input field appear on your selling screen, Enable Coupon Codes need to be turned on. This is left on
by default.


  • Enable Checkout Questions: This gives you the ability to ask custom questions on the iPad. Collect
  • Signature on CC: This allows for onscreen signatures. This is off by default.
  • Enable CC Receipt & Cash by email: When a sale is completed it gives the option to provide an email to receive a receipt.
  • On by default. Hide COMP and Refund: COMPs are free tickets. You might hide this if you don’t want volunteers or staff giving out free tickets. Hiding refunds controls what volunteers can do and makes sure they don’t offer refunds.
  • Enable Discounts: Provides a discount button to be applied at checkout. Enable Tips (CC Only): Shows for Credit Card sales after being swiped.


Inventory Management (Default Settings)

  • Enable Oversell: This determines whether you can sell more tickets than you have in
    inventory. This allows you to oversell your inventory or see what is available. Off by default.
  • Show Number of Tickets Remaining: This can be configured to display remaining tickets quantities. Set to Always by default.


COMP Tickets (Default Settings)

COMP tickets are usually counted towards inventory. However, using these settings you can change this preference to never deducted from inventory or the option to choose when processing orders. For example, you might not want to mark a photographer’s admission as inventory.

Default settings below:


Your changes will be automatically saved once you exit the page.

Become a Pro With These Tips:

Here are some valuable tips to enhance your efficiency with the mPOS:

  • Faster Cash Sales: When processing a cash sale, you don't need to enter the money tendered each time. It's a calculator to assist you. If you already know the change, skip it and process the order.
  • Tapping on the Screen: Softly tapping on the screen yields better results. Tap as if you were gently tapping someone on the shoulder.
  • Refunding Orders: Find the order on the recent Transaction Log or search it by clicking the search icon. Once found, tap on it and select Refund.
  • Checking in Guests: For will-call orders or guests with lost tickets, use the Search icon to find their order. Tap on the order to check in the guest. Besides the actual Order number, searching by just the last name only is the fastest and most reliable way to find an order.
  • High-Speed Selling Mode: Learn to apply discounts swiftly in both Standard and Advanced Modes.
  • Standard Mode: When you click on an item to add to the cart, it will show a screen asking you to select a quantity. Select Discount to select the discount you want to apply.
  • Advanced Mode: After adding an item to the cart, click on it in the current order panel on the left. Select Discount to select the discount you want to apply.

For information on using the online box office, click here.